Measure by RFMS
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Welcome, it’s great to see you!

If you have found your way to this website, you are likely in the flooring industry in some capacity or another. We don’t need to tell you that running a flooring business is fundamentally different to running any other retail business. One of the biggest challenges flooring retailers face is managing the process of measuring and quantifying. We all understand the need to get our quotes out promptly, but quantifying can be a significant bottleneck.

For that reason, flooring retailers are adopting electronic quantifying, and Measure and Measure Mobile are the leaders in the industry. This website is dedicated to help you learn more about Measure and how it can benefit you and your business.

Watch these short videos for commercial and residential projects to see why Measure by RFMS is the market leader in digital quantifying software for the flooring industry:


Measure is our PC based solution for quantifying plans, while Measure Mobile provides measuring, quantifying, and quoting functionality from a table based app. Most flooring businesses have a mix of business originating from plans and onsite measures; the good news is that Measure and Measure Mobile integrate seamlessly.

We love to chat so we look forward to discussing how Measure will take your business to the next level.

Contact Us Here


We upload webcasts to help you get more out of Measure by RFMS